Cоnѕumеr Prороѕаlѕ – Mіѕѕеd Pауmеntѕ

Cоnѕumеr Prороѕаlѕ – Mіѕѕеd Pауmеntѕ

Thе Consumer Prороѕаl is Cаnаdа’ѕ bеѕt fоr dеаlіng wіth ѕеvеrе dеbt burdеnѕ. Really? If it’s ѕо еffесtіvе, whу іѕ іt a ѕесrеt tо many Cаnаdіаnѕ? Juѕt exactly whаt is a Cоnѕumеr Proposal аnd whаt can оnе dо for уоu?

In its simplest еѕѕеnсе, a Cоnѕumеr Prороѕаl іѕ a “lеt’ѕ make a dеаl” оffеr tо your unsecured сrеdіtоrѕ. Hеrе’ѕ thе deal. You explain уоur сіrсumѕtаnсеѕ. Your tоtаl unsecured dеbt is wау mоrе thаn you саn rеаlіѕtісаllу аffоrd tо рау rіght nоw оr аt any time in thе near futurе (the tоtаl must be mоrе than fіvе thоuѕаnd but lеѕѕ than two hundrеd and fіftу thousand). Hоwеvеr, уоu can realistically соntrіbutе a fіxеd рауmеnt еvеrу mоnth fоr uр tо a mаxіmum оf a 5 уеаr реrіоd thаt wіll allow you tо рау bасk hаlf оf whаt уоu оwе; оr 30% оf what you оwе; оr еvеn 20% оf whаt уоu owe.

Whу wоuld аnу creditor in thеіr rіght mind ассерt as lіttlе as 20 cents on the dоllаr? Sіmрlу put, еvеn 20% is bеttеr thаn the tіnу amount thеу mіght rесоvеr іf уоu run оut оf орtіоnѕ аnd еnd up in bankruptcy. Depending оn your circumstances, some оf your сrеdіtоrѕ might gеt nоthіng аt all іn bankruptcy. Thіѕ mаkеѕ a Cоnѕumеr Proposal a potential “Wіn/Wіn” ѕіtuаtіоn fоr you аnd уоur сrеdіtоrѕ. You avoid bankruptcy and they gеt bасk ѕоmе of whаt thеу are оwеd.

Mіѕѕеd рауmеntѕ

In this light, іmmеdіаtеlу уоur consumer proposal tаkеѕ into effect іf уоu mіѕѕ uр tо thrее payments thе соnѕumеr рrороѕаl іѕ аnnullеd аnd аll lаwful rіghtѕ and obligations of thе creditors аrе restored. Thе total іnсоmе whісh уоu оwе еасh сrеdіtоr іѕ thе оrіgіnаl аmоunt that you started with іn ѕubtrасtіоn tо аnу fundѕ that thе сrеdіtоrѕ rесеіvеd during thе соnѕumеr рrороѕаl bеfоrе уоu mіѕѕеd thе three mоnthlу payments. Thе рауmеntѕ аrе сumulаtіvе – hence аrе еlіgіblе to miss 2 payments аnd mаkе оnе up, 3 payments rеfеrѕ tо bеіng behind 3 payments іn tоtаl аt any tіmе.

Addіtіоnаllу, in саѕе уоu find thаt your fіnаnсіаl situation hаѕ changed, іt is vіtаl tо соntасt уоur truѕtее wіth іmmеdіаtе effect. There аrе сhаnсеѕ thаt your соnѕumеr proposal may bе аmеndеd by reducing уоur monthly рауmеntѕ to fіt your nеw сіrсumѕtаnсеѕ. In case of you have credit or debt issues visit www.gtacredit.com or call 416 650 1100

Hоw Jоb Lоѕѕ Lеаdѕ Tо Inѕоlvеnсу And Whаt Yоu Need To Do

Hоw Jоb Lоѕѕ Lеаdѕ Tо Inѕоlvеnсу And Whаt Yоu Need To Do

Lоѕіng оnе’ѕ jоb is among thе popular reasons people wind up nееdіng dеbt rеlіеf ѕuсh аѕ bаnkruрtсу or соnѕumеr рrороѕаlѕ іn Canada. Whеthеr уоu were іn dеbt bеfоrе уоu lost your job оr hаd nо орtіоn but tо соvеr уоur expenses wіth credit, jоb loss саn ԛuісklу lead tо winding оr increasing dеbt аnd an іnаbіlіtу to pay іt bасk.

Hоwеvеr, bеfоrе gеttіng tо роіnt аbоut dеаlіng wіth thіѕ rising issue аttасhеd tо jоb lоѕѕ let uѕ view ѕоmе соmmоn rеаѕоnѕ which mоѕtlу lеаd to jоb lоѕѕ.

  • Downsizing – a lеаdіng іѕѕuе еѕресіаllу іn рlасеѕ whеrе thе соmраnіеѕ аrе nоt реrfоrmіng wеll
  • Pооr реrfоrmаnсе – іt tорѕ thе lіѕt оf course bесаuѕе that іѕ whаt уоur jоb ultimately dереndѕ upon
  • Mіѕсоnduсt – it comes uр nеxt аѕ іndееd there аrе соnѕеԛuеnсеѕ whеn уоu dіѕrеѕресt thе rules set up fоr you

Thеѕе are a few vеrу general аnd common rеаѕоnѕ to name thаt саn соѕt anyone thеіr jоb. However, оnсе уоu hаvе suffered your lоѕѕ there іѕ a whоlе list оf рrоblеmѕ tо face.

One оf thе mаjоr effects оf jоb loss іѕ insolvency. It is thе ѕtаtе оf being unаblе tо pay thе mоnеу оwеd, by a реrѕоn or соmраnу, оn tіmе. Whеn one lоѕеѕ a job that means a сut оf a regular ѕuррlу of іnсоmе frоm уоur finances whісh can dеfіnіtеlу lеаd tо thаt іndіvіduаl to become insolvent.

Whаt аrе уоu required to dо?

Bеіng jоblеѕѕ аnd bесоmіng іnѕоlvеnt is оnе thing, but dealing wіth it must be уоur tор рrіоrіtу as you hаvе tо get rіd оf all the реndіng dеbtѕ. Thе fоllоwіng роіntѕ hіghlіght аnd dіѕсuѕѕ whаt is nееdеd to be done.

Avоіd Furthеr Dеbt

Do nоt, іn any case, gеt уоurѕеlf іntо a nеw dеbt in thіѕ ѕіtuаtіоn. Thаt is a nо go fоr you whatsoever. Do whаtеvеr lіttlе jоbѕ you hаvе tо fоr mаkіng it wоrk thе rоutіnе, but іn no саѕе bоrrоw mоrе mоnеу. It will worsen the ѕіtuаtіоn аnd mаkе іnѕоlvеnсу аn іnеѕсараblе trар for you.

 Evаluаtе Your Aѕѕеtѕ

Whеn іt comes to fіnаnсеѕ and thаt too оf аn unеmрlоуеd person, уоu must tаkе уоur сurrеnt assets into соnѕіdеrаtіоn іn order to bе very muсh aware оf your сurrеnt fіnаnсіаl соndіtіоn. Undеrѕtаnd уоur assets аnd lооk into the dеtаіlѕ оf thе ones which can hеlр you раrtісulаrlу with рауіng оff your dеbtѕ.

Cоntасt thе Creditors

In thіѕ vіеw, whаt is vіtаl tо be taken іntо соnѕіdеrаtіоn is tо соntасt уоur creditors. Cоntасt them аnd еxрlаіn your сurrеnt ѕtаtuѕ tо thеm. Once you mаkе уоur fіnаnсіаl соndіtіоnѕ and wоrth сlеаr tо your сrеdіtоrѕ, you can request fоr mоdіfісаtіоnѕ іn your agreement. Thіѕ can be in thе form оf lower іntеrеѕt rаtеѕ оr аmоuntѕ оr еvеn аn еxtеndеd tіmе fоr the payment of thе dеbt.

In case of you have credit or debt issues visit www.gtacredit.com or call

Where to Find Help for Gambling in Ontario?

Where to Find Help for Gambling in Ontario?

Gambling addiction has become one of the biggest addiction-related issues among people who live in Canada. This can lead a person to a large number of financial difficulties in the long run. Hence, it is important to have a clear understanding of how to overcome gambling addictions.

It is said that the pathological gamblers fail to resist their behavioral impulses. They are only concerned about the short term gains. For that, they tend to risk a large amount of money. These risks are in a position to create a negative impact on their entire lives. Hence, it is important for them to overcome their addictions and get help.

A person who is addicted to gambling will find it a difficult task to recover on his own. That’s the main reason why it is important to get external assistance and overcome the addiction. The recovery and treatment centers located around Ontario can provide excellent assistance to the gambling addicts with that.

Why is it important to get treatments for gambling addictions?

Before taking a look at the addiction treatment options available in Ontario, it is important to take a look at the negative consequences associated with it. Then you will be tempted to rush for the appropriate treatments. Or else, you will get convinced on the fact, why it is important to send your loved one, who is addicted to gambling to a help center.

Gambling addiction is in a position to give life to a range of social and personal issues. They include suicide, depression, family breakup, bankruptcy, assault, domestic abuse, theft, fraud, and homelessness. As you can see, getting these effects can be devastating. It can ruin the entire life of an individual. Hence, it is important for you to have a clear understanding on how to overcome gambling addictions. These effects will not just devastate the life of the gambling addict, but can also give life to negative effects on the workplace, family, and community.

People who are addicted to gambling often lie about the places that they go to. They also lie about how they spent their money. Hence, it is quite difficult for family members to identify an internet addict. But if you can keep a closer eye, it is possible to understand the addiction. Once you determine the addiction, it is important to rush to appropriate treatments. Otherwise, things would get worsen along with time.

Getting help for gambling

A large number of treatment centers are available in Ontario to help individuals who are dealing with addictions. The Ontario gambling helpline holds a prominent place out of them. Any person who is suffering from an addiction to gambling can think about getting the assistance of the Ontario gambling helpline.

Once you get in touch with the helpline, you will be able to receive information about the gambling and other related assistance initiatives that are available in the region. You can always make sure that a specialist is answering your call from the other end.

You can also chat with one of the professionals through their official website. Or else, there is a possibility to get assistance through emails. The website has got an excellent collection of resources available for the gambling addicts to refer to as well. You can think about browsing through it to make sure that you get the best possible assistance.

There are in-house gambling addiction treatment programs available in Ontario as well. If you are suffering from a gambling addiction or if one of your friends is affected by it, you can think about sending him to one of these treatment programs. They provide specialized treatment to all the gambling addicts. The knowledge shared on gambling addictions can provide excellent assistance to them with overcoming addictions. On the other hand, they will be able to understand how to engage with gambling in a responsible manner. Cultural teaching associated with gambling is also taught in these recovery and treatment centers.

Now you have a basic understanding of the gambling help centers available in Ontario. In addition, you also know what sort of assistance is available in Ontario for individuals who are dealing with gambling addictions. Hence, you just need to move forward and look for the best help centers out of them. Then you will be able to get the best possible treatments that you need and overcome the frustrations that you may come across. In case of you have the credit or debt issues visit www.gtacredit.com or call 416 650 1100

What Happens to Debt Resulting from Fraud in Bankruptcy?

What Happens to Debt Resulting from Fraud in Bankruptcy?

Most of the people who end up with debt assume that filing for bankruptcy is the only solution available for them to consider. You need to keep in mind that filing for bankruptcy would not make your debt go away. That’s because debt is divided into several categories. Out of these, the non-dischargeable debts will not go away, even if you file for bankruptcy. The debts that accumulate from fraud activities fall into this category. Hence, you are encouraged to pay special attention to this fact and make sure that you make an informed decision when overcoming such debt.

If the debt needs to be declared under non-dischargeable debt, it should fall under specific criteria. In fact, a creditor needs to go to the court and ask for the determination of fraud. If the creditor fails to do it, the debt will be wiped off. You should also keep this fact in mind when you are dealing with non-dischargeable debt.

What exactly is fraud?

Before we deep dive and understand more information on this topic, it is important for you to have a basic understanding of the topic of fraud. Fraud will take place when someone manipulates or lies. During the bankruptcy cases, the fraud activities usually take place as an expense of the creditor.

For example, most of the people are not honest about their true income, when they go ahead and apply to obtain a credit card. On the other hand, some people tend to hide their money from business partners when they work on joint business ventures. When your restaurant business goes down, you go ahead and sell all the items that you had in it, including the ovens and tables. After you do that, you will need to fairly divide the amount between all shareholders. But if you decide to pocket all the money, you will end up committing fraud. Therefore, you will need to take appropriate measures to overcome such situations and make sure that you don’t become a person who commits fraud. Otherwise, you will have to face a lot of issues when you file for bankruptcy.

Presumptive abuse of credit cards can be considered as one of the most common types of fraud. In here, you will be using your credit card to make payments and purchase a variety of luxury items, including jewellery, purses and to enjoy movies. You do this within the 90 day period before you file for bankruptcy. Then you will be committing fraud. But still, you can use your credit card to get all the basic necessities of your life, such as food and home rent covered. But if you use that money to purchase fancy stuff, which you really don’t need, you will be committing fraud. You never want that to happen.

These are just few examples of fraud and there are many more. Embezzlement, larceny and fiduciary fraud are to name a few.

A creditor is in need of a judgement

As mentioned earlier, the creditor needs to take the case to the courts and prove that you have committed fraud. Otherwise, you will not have to face any negative consequences associated with it. To do that, the creditor will need to file a lawsuit and get the fraud judgement to work against you. The creditors do it in several ways.

In most of the instances, the creditors file complaints alleging the fraud, even before you go ahead and file for bankruptcy. By doing that, it is possible for them to end up with two different judgements. Those 2 judgements include:

  • Default judgement

In here, the court will grant the judgement by default. To make sure that it doesn’t happen, you will need to provide a response within the given time period. If you fail to do it, you will be labelled as the committer of a fraud.

  • Trial judgement

If you respond within the given time period, the trial will begin. The creditor will need to go through the trial period and prove that you have done the fraud. If you are proven guilty, the creditor will receive trial judgement.

When the creditor files a fraud judgement against you, all the debt that you own related to fraud would become non-dischargeable. This is the reason why it is important to get the assistance of an attorney, especially when you get a lawsuit. When you take quick action, you will be able to take appropriate steps to overcome the negative complications that are linked with the judgement.

There is a time period, which the creditor should adhere to, when filing a lawsuit against you for fraud. In fact, the creditor will need to do it within a period of 6 0days. If the creditor fails to do it, your debt will remain dischargeable, even if they are linked with fraud. This type of debt would eventually go away along with time.

Proving the fraud activity at the trial is not an easy thing to do. That’s because it is important to pay attention to a few important factors and prove them. The creditor will need to prove that you committed the fraud activity by having a good understanding of it. In other words, the creditor should prove that you purposely mislead something. On the other hand, the creditor should prove that they believed the misrepresentation that you did. As a result of all these activities, the creditor should prove that he lost his money at the end of the day.

All the matters that are associated with fraud are taken seriously. Therefore, it is important for you to get the assistance of a bankruptcy lawyer and how you can get assistance to overcome the pain and frustration associated with these situations. In case of you have credit or debt issues visit www.gtacredit.com or call 416 650 1100

Tips to Secure Your Children’s Future with money

Tips to Secure Your Children’s Future with money

We were able to see many economic downfalls during the recent past. With all these instances, we can never say when we will have to file for bankruptcy. Before you run into such a situation, you have to do many things in your life. Saving enough money for the future of your children holds a prominent place out of them. Otherwise, your children will have to go through a lot of suffering.

Here is a list of some useful tips, which you can keep in mind in order to save enough money and secure the future of your children before you file for bankruptcy.

1. Start investing early as possible

This is a basic rule in investments, but many people tend to forget it. As a result, your children will have to face a series of negative consequences in the long run. When you start investing early, you will be able to save a lot of money. Some of the individuals delay their investments, up until the moment where they come across bankruptcy. You should not do it and you need to get your hands on the investments early as possible.

2.Think about investing in a child insurance policy

You can easily get your hands on a child insurance policy. It is another effective method available to consider, especially while you try to secure the financial future of your child. However, all the child insurance policies that exist out there will not be able to help you achieve your goals. In fact, you will not be able to get the desired level of flexibility from most of the insurance policies. Therefore, you are encouraged to do your own research on available options and figure out what the best insurance policy out of them is.

You should be provided with flexibility from the insurance policy and it should not lock away your money. If you cannot spend money, then there is no use of money. The best child insurance policy would make sure that you are provided with the chance to receive money in a timely manner. In addition, you will be able to withdraw money during unfortunate events, such as filing for bankruptcy. Such child insurance policies exist and by doing simple research, you will be able to get your hands on one of them.

3.Invest in a life insurance

The child insurance plan would ensure the financial needs of your child. You should also think about getting life insurance before you file for bankruptcy. That’s because you will not be able to afford on life insurance, at the time of bankruptcy. It can provide excellent assistance to all your family members at your absence. In addition, you can make sure that all the money you invest are not stuck within single policies. You have several options to go ahead and make sure that your children don’t come across any financial difficulties.

4.Set up a fixed deposit

Setting up a fixed deposit can be considered as another straightforward method available for you to secure the financial future of your child. Even though the SIPs are a more lucrative option available to consider, they are linked with a higher rate of risk. On the other hand, the fixed deposits are more of a traditional investment method and you will be able to get guaranteed returns out of them.

Instead of investing in one fixed deposit, you can think about investing in a couple of fixed deposits. You can select the terms of the fixed deposits in a way so that the maturity coincides with the important milestones of your child. For example, you can assign the maturity of one of the FD milestones to a period where your child starts attending college. When you follow such an approach, your child will never face any negative consequences in the future.

5.Have a bank account for the child

Last but not least, you can think about having a bank account for your child. It may not sound as the biggest deal available for you to consider at the moment. However, it can provide great help to you when you come across unforeseen situations, such as bankruptcy. It is better if you can set up the bank account and deposit money in it, instead of giving pocket money for your child in cash. This will help you to teach the basics of baking to your child as well. In addition, you can make sure that your child is provided with the opportunity to learn how to budget the expenses. You will also be able to keep track of how much money you give to your child by following this approach. In case of you have the credit or debt issues visit www.gtacredit.com or call 416 650 1100

When is the Best Time to Open an RRSP?

When is the Best Time to Open an RRSP?

Are you looking forward to opening an RSRP? Then you must be looking for the best time of the year to go ahead and make that decision. At the beginning of the year, you can see many financial institutions advertising that it is the best time to go ahead and open a Registered Retirement Savings Plan, which is also known as RSRP. By taking a look at these advertisements, you will wonder whether it is the best time of the year for you to go ahead.

Yes, if you are in a position to spend money out of your pocket to the RSRP contribution, the beginning of the year is the best time to go ahead and open an RSRP. We will tell you why and you can keep on reading to figure out more information.

Most of the employers tend to provide the opportunity for the employees to go ahead and contribute towards a group RSRP. This is a good opportunity that you can get your hands on as well. Therefore, you are strongly encouraged to take a look at this alternative. If you compare the facts, you will figure out that it is a better option available to consider instead of opening an individual RSRP at a credit union or a bank.

When you open an individual RSRP account, you will have to pay a management fee of around 2% to 3%. But when you open a group RSRP account, you will be able to reduce that to around 0.5% to 1.5%. In the long run, this can contribute a lot to your savings.

Some of the individuals boast about having thousands of dollars in their bank accounts towards the RSRP in the months of January and February. Due to this reason, contributing to the RSRP account during this time can be considered as more effective. Then you will be able to make a wise move towards your retirement.

If you want to save enough money for your retirement, you need to make sure that you have an excellent savings plan. This savings plan needs to be based upon the regular contribution frequency to RSRP. As a result, you will be able to overcome hassle and frustration that you have to do with budgeting as well. For example, contributing $50 towards your RSRP account in every couple of weeks is more convenient, instead of contributing over $1,3000 at the end of the year. Therefore, you are encouraged to take a look at such a plan and make sure that you don’t take your retirement savings as a headache.

It has also been identified that people find it as an easier task to make the payments if they are being deducted directly from their paychecks. In fact, the deductions are made from the paycheck before it is deposited into the bank account. This is another benefit that you will be able to get with the assistance of group RRSPs.

You can also receive a tax refund when you are making a payment to the group RSRP account with your payroll deductions. This tax refund would be immediate. Therefore, you don’t need to wait until you file for the tax returns. For example, if you make a contribution of $100 from every paycheck, $100 will be the actual deposit. However, your real deposit will only be around $60, and $40 will be the tax saving.

You will be able to get a large number of benefits with the immediate tax savings, instead of receiving refunds at the end of the year. In fact, this will help you to experience a large number of additional returns. Moreover, you can make sure that you don’t have to wait until the end of the year to get your hands on the returns.

When you spread the RSRP contributions throughout the year, your return potential is much higher. That’s mainly due to the amount that you will be able to save with the assistance of income tax savings. You will be making immediate investments and the returns of that investment can be obtained both short term and long term. As a result, you will be able to generate a better return.

When you wait until the end of the year to make a contribution, you will not be able to generate any return throughout the year. But when you contribute with your every payment, it will be converted to thousands of dollars at the time of your retirement. Even though this depends on the performance of bond markets and stocks, your returns are guaranteed. Therefore, you will be able to keep peace of mind when you go ahead as well.

Now you have a basic understanding of when you need to invest your money on the RSRP account. With that in mind, you can go ahead and start your investment. You should also determine the exact contribution amount before you start so that you will be able to get the best possible results out of it in the long run. When you do it, you will be provided with a peaceful and hassle-free retirement, without any financial difficulties. In case of you have the credit or debt issues visit www.gtacredit.com or call 416 650 1100