How debt affects your relationship
Was Shakespeare right when he said, “Neither a borrower nor a lender be?” It often depends on the nature of the relationship. Borrowing and lending makes the world go round when it comes to national economies, corporations, or small business, but it’s a very different...
Don’t fall into the rent-to-own furniture trap
It’s amazing what we can convince ourselves we “need.” When in truth we need to look after our families, sleep indoors, eat nutritious meals and drink clean water, we convince ourselves we need a cell phone, a gym membership — and new furniture. We work hard, and...
How to stop living paycheck to paycheck-Toronto-Ontario
If you’ve ever been to one of those payroll loans shops and taken an advance on your salary, you might be in financial trouble. If you barely make it — or can’t even quite make it — to your next pay day, you’re living in a vicious financial loop where you can never...
How to Make a Budget and Stick to It
Money is a great tool. Properly managed, it can enhance your quality life, give your children a great start, and help your friends, family and favorite charities do good in the world. Mismanaged, it can become a source of stress and conflict, harassing phone calls...
What’s the best way to save with tax-free interest? TFSA and RRSP
As we get closer to tax time, many start to think about the tax breaks offered by a registered plan but many may be confused about what they are looking for, what with all the acronyms. The two most notable are TFSA and RRSP. They aren’t the same, nor do they...
Plan to save and buy a home -Toronto-Scarborough
Perhaps the best reason to protect your credit is that good credit will help you obtain a mortgage when it comes time to buy a house, and at the best possible interest rate. If you’ve decided it’s time to get on the property ladder, you need to be realistic about your...
Signs you may be in financial trouble
It’s an unfortunate truth that by the time most people admit their finances are in trouble, they’re already in deep. Learning to identify a few financial red flags in their earliest stages can help you stay on top of your debt. If any answer yes to any of these...
Stress out over debts-Brampton-Mississauga-Ontario
Are your debts making you sick? There’s a growing mountain of research that says it sure can. The journal Social Science and Medicine, for example, released a study that found individuals with higher debt had higher blood pressure, higher stress levels, and poorer...
When it comes to taxes, bankruptcy provides only temporary relief
On of the things that get many people in debt trouble and on the road to bankruptcy, especially self-employed people or small business owners, is non-payment of taxes. Income tax debt can pile up very fast because it never goes away unless you pay it all off (or most...