
What are my duties in bankruptcy?

In an uncomplicated first bankruptcy, as long as you fulfill certain obligations, your bankruptcy will be automatically discharged in nine months, and you’ll be released from your debts. Any failure or delay in fulfilling those obligations can delay or prevent your...

What happens after Bankruptcy?

Before you make the decision to declare bankruptcy, you should know what you can expect when the process is over. The very best thing that happens is that after your bankruptcy is discharged, you’re absolved of your responsibility to repay your debts and free to make...

Will I lose my vehicle in bankruptcy?

Next to their home, for many people their car is the most valuable thing they own. Naturally, it’s often top of mind when insolvent individuals — those whose debts outweigh their ability to repay them — consider declaring bankruptcy. Will you lose your car in...

Bankruptcy and taxes

If you are insolvent and have declared bankruptcy, you can generally expect to be legally released from your debts when your bankruptcy is discharged. For a first-time, uncontested bankruptcy, you are automatically discharged nine months after you declare. If,...

How to understand credit rating

The most common ratings, called North American Standard Account Ratings, being with “R,” which indicates “revolving” credit, such as credit cards or lines of credit. They’re coded from 0 to 9, with zero being the most desirable, best score and 9 being the least...